Be Informed and Inspired to live your faith
Our Story
Mary's Well began out of a desire to help Catholics in Scotland grow in their faith and realise the deep roots that Catholicism has in our land. We aim to chiefly do this through digital media where we will publish articles and tracts on various aspects of Catholic faith and life.
Why Mary's Well?
Catholic tradition holds that the Annunciation occurred at the well in Nazareth which lies half a kilometre from the 4th Century Catholic Church of the Annunciation that was built over the source of the Spring that fed it. The Annunciation is a picture of grace at work - God providing a gift only He could offer and the woman cooperating with Him for His greater glory. At Mary's Well we want to draw deep from the treasures of God and say Yes to His working in all our lives. Yes to sharing the gospel of God - that the Kingdom has come! Being inaugurated and continuously sustained by Jesus Christ. We also seek Mary's help in bringing this gospel to Scotland.
Mary's Wells in Scotland
The other reason for naming our apostolate Mary's Well is that up and down our country there are many Wells named just this that also spawned the towns that they sat in - including Motherwell and Tobermory. People have been drawing from Mary both in spiritual and physical ways for centuries and we pray that this continues.
Mary's Well SCIO
Mary's Well is a registered charity of Scotland; SC050978.